Beware New store owner in training.

Hello folks! Just thought you might like to take a gander at the Store Owner C. I have been taking Small business management classes since February 2020 and this is the final outcome of most of the knowledge I have gained so far and even some things they didn't teach in class. I am still new at this so I am hoping that we can get all of the glitches worked out rather quickly and keep moving forward. I have a lot of ideas and I hope you will stick around, watch the evolution of Just Me C and if you see anything that needs to be added or subtracted from this equation please feel free to contact me and let me know. And no I don't bite. smile. Thanks so much and come again!  Just Me C

1 comentario

  • Man. It’s s been a long time coming, huh? Between the convos we had, and finally getting to this point, I have to say that I am impressed. I love your intro. Looking forward to more.


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